Felix Tilley
2007-10-11 21:10:08 UTC
Nevada reported one foreclosure filing for every 185 households,
earning the state the highest foreclosure rate in the nation for the
ninth month in a row. The state had 5,504 filings in September, down 11.1
percent from August and more than triple from September 2006.
No news on Henderson, Nevada.
earning the state the highest foreclosure rate in the nation for the
ninth month in a row. The state had 5,504 filings in September, down 11.1
percent from August and more than triple from September 2006.
No news on Henderson, Nevada.
Felix Tilley
Colonel Fanatic Legions
Senior LARTvocate
Fanatic Legions
Felix Tilley
Colonel Fanatic Legions
Senior LARTvocate
Fanatic Legions